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New Moon in Aries 2021

The first new moon of the astrological new year is happening tonight at 9:31 CDT.

This is an especially potent new moon because it's happening on an astrological degree that was super activated by planetary energies in 2020. Basically, this new moon in the fiery sign of Aries is all about psychological integration of everything you've learned since April 11th of 2020. The vibe is one of rebirth, revival, and rising -- of putting the lessons and growth we've accumulated into useful form going forward. Phoenix rising is a good visual for the energy of the moment.

An activation is stirring. Can you feel it?

There’s an energetic quickening at play now that can shapeshift from sacred action to anger, frustration, or fierce rising. Now is the time to seize your opportunity to work with the energy of the moment, and to direct it in a way that can serve your evolution. Not sure how to do that? Then I invite you to join me for a short and easy lunar ritual. Let’s be playful and dance with the Aries new moon, shall we?

Resist any temptation to sit this one out or be a wallflower because your active participation is needed. This ritual will take just a few minutes of your time, but it can help set the tone for the new cycle we are stepping into. Find a spot inside or outdoors where you can stand, take a deep centering breath, and get present in your physical body. Take on a warrior stance by creating a firm pose that says, "I am here!", without words.

Feet planted in a wide, grounded position, feel into your power now. Place your hands on your hips and hold your warrior stance. Feel something beginning to rise within you. Courageous. Protective. Nurturing. Fierce. These energies are flowing through and around you like a beautiful river alive with all kinds of movement. They are whispering cosmic activations as they move through your bones and flesh.

Close your eyes and surrender to the moment while the moon takes the spotlight and begins her dance. She exhales a mystical lunar mist creating a red cloud of enchanting Aries energy around you. A portal opens, giving your unique wise and peaceful warrior self a chance to take form and rise up anew into your vital field of life force energy.

Like a sassy flamenco dancer, take your beautiful hands and artfully lift them into a power position right above your crown chakra.

Call forward and affirm the presence of your peaceful warrior self by snapping your fingers three times while chanting…

“I am here. I am here. I. AM. HERE."

Keep your arms raised, hands above your crown, and again snap your fingers and chant aloud --but this time stomp your foot upon the earth or floor too. Proclaim your peaceful warrior presence before the moon, the stars, and all of the earth beings!

This is a great Aries new moon ritual to do alone or with others. Perform it with a friend, spouse, children or pets, and you'll feel something really special happening.

Follow up by journaling about how and what you felt during this new moon. What is it that's rising for you now? Where do you feel called to direct your attention and energy? Note where you're feeling called forward. Make note of your intuitions.

New Moon Blessings,



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